
English Learner and Migrant Education Services

Supporting schools, districts, and states to promote success and enhance learning opportunities for English and multilingual learners and migratory students.

We are a recognized leader in improving access and outcomes for English Learners and migratory students. Our work aims to develop systemic capacity to improve practices, policies, and programs for all students to thrive.

What We Do

We provide professional learning, comprehensive needs assessments, strategic improvement planning, leadership development, and technical assistance to schools, districts, and state agencies to build the capacity of educators and the systems in which they work.

Migrant Education Programs

We work with local and state migrant education programs to enhance their identification and recruitment strategies, continuous improvement implementation, and application of federal guidance and requirements.

Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL)

QTEL supports students by building educator capacity. Our main goal is promoting the kind of expertise in educators that allows them to support English Learners while simultaneously developing disciplinary, conceptual, and language practices across all content areas and grade spans.

Our Approach

We partner with schools, districts, and states to create strengths-based learning environments for all students by recognizing their cultural, linguistic, and community assets. Our work helps consider the systemic shifts needed to ensure success for all.

Professional Learning

We create practical and classroom-friendly learning experiences that help educators apply their learning across disciplinary contexts.

Systemic Support

We build organizational capacity to plan and implement strong policies, programs, and practices that support learner success.


We develop and enhance curriculum to support academically rigorous, and relevant instruction.


We conduct research studies that examine the implementation and outcomes of state and district policies and the impacts of programs and interventions on student outcomes.

The success we’ve had in meeting the needs of our English Learners and families is a direct reflection of the support and guidance we’ve received from our WestEd partners. Thank you for helping us change student expectations and lives.

— Brian Lemos, Director of Instruction and ELD Greeley-Evans Weld County School District 6

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