
(Past Event) The New ‘Ready’: How K-12 and College Educators in Rhode Island Are Reimagining College Readiness Courses with WestEd Programs

Carnegie Math Pathways - Students

Date: Thursday, April 8
Time: 9:00 AM (Pacific) / 12:00 PM (Eastern)

Many schools and states were already struggling with how to increase postsecondary attainment rates when the COVID-19 pandemic added the extra complexity of slowed academic momentum. How can schools get students back on track for success in high school and college?

In this webinar, the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) will share the challenges they faced this year that exacerbated the risk of a low postsecondary attainment rate, and the unique approach they took in partnership with WestEd that has yielded impressive outcomes — both in providing students with learning opportunities and in tackling the challenge of getting students not only to college but through college.