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Aligning Data Systems With State Needs: How User-Centered Design Helps

Learn more about how user-centered design can help states transform closed data systems into accessible resources that support policy, research, and individual decision-making.
WestEd News

Newly Released Guide Offers Insights Into Teacher Licensure Requirements Nationwide

A recently published guide from WestEd brings together essential information on teacher licensure requirements and trends in the education workforce. Offering an in-depth look at licensure requirements in all 50 states and Washington, DC, the guide is a valuable resource for those seeking to improve teacher recruitment and retention strategies.
Image depicting how artificial intelligence can impact teaching and outcomes

Navigating the New Frontier: Elevating Workforce Development in the Digital Age

Learn more about how generative AI is transforming workforce development by aligning education with industry needs, enhancing career guidance, and personalizing learning experiences for a future-ready workforce.
High school teacher with two students in biology class


Leveraging District Leadership to Improve Science Education Outcomes

How can we ensure that students in grades K–12 receive a science education that prepares them for the complex challenges of today and the future?  Read this success story about a framework designed to support and sustain leaders as they drive change in science education.
Students in discussion around a table


Student Growth with Reading Apprenticeship: Aligning Leadership, Literacy Instruction, and Professional Learning 

Rich Township High School District 227 9th graders nearly doubled their reading growth in 2023/24. This notable achievement is the result of a strategic and sustained approach to literacy and professional learning. 
Two people wearing hard hats and protective clothing working on a control panel


Driving Economic Mobility Through Career and Technical Education: Q&A With Angela Estacion and Alisha Hyslop 

In this Q&A blog celebrating CTE Month, Angela Estacion and Alisha Hyslop reflect on the state of CTE at community and technical colleges and look toward the future of CTE.
WestEd News

News Releases

Statement of Jannelle Kubinec, CEO of WestEd, On the Cancellation of Regional Educational Laboratory Contracts 

The abrupt cancellation of federal contracts for Regional Educational Laboratories has halted essential initiatives on student mental health, chronic absenteeism, literacy, and teacher retention. It is our hope that the important work of the RELs will be allowed to continue so that states, school districts, schools, teachers, and students will again be able to benefit from rigorous research and support.
Students collaborating


Key Resources for Leading and Managing School Improvement Plans 

The resources in this Spotlight explore the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement framework, emphasize the principles of transformational leadership, and provide opportunities to gain valuable insights from WestEd experts on school and district transformation.
Educators in discussion


Deepening Leadership Capacity to Improve Student Outcomes 

This Spotlight offers resources for leaders about complex issues such as driving school improvement, keeping a clear organizational vision, and implementing restorative practices.