
(Past Event) Join WestEd at the 2019 NCSM Annual Conference

WestEd at NCSM

Join Angela Knotts and Katie Salguero of WestEd’s Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics program at the 2019 NCSM Annual Conference, April 1 through 3, at the Marriott Marquis in San Diego, California.

The theme of the conference this year is Making Waves with Effective Mathematics Leadership.

In their Video in the Middle: Using Video Case Studies as a Tool for Coaching Teachers in Linear Functions presentation, Knotts and Salguero will share how placing a video case study at the center of a professional learning experience can help teachers both grow their mathematical content knowledge and learn effective pedagogical strategies for teaching slope and other algebra ideas.

Come learn how you can select and use video clips to create mathematically rich, engaging, and collaborative mathematics professional learning experiences that support teachers with teaching linear functions.

The presentation will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 1:45-2:45pm, in Pacific 14.