WestEd Research Associate Angela Knotts will co-present with mathematics and special education experts from the Silicon Valley Math Initiative and the University of California, San Diego, at the 56th NCSM Annual Conference held September 23–25, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.
This year’s conference theme is “Disrupting the Status Quo, Overcoming Challenges, Eliminating Structural Cultural and/or Instructional Barriers, and Breaking Through: Coaching to Support Change.”
WestEd Presentation
Wednesday, September 25
So Many Ways! Using Multiple Means of Expression to Design Equitable Assessment Opportunities in High School Mathematics
Time: 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m.
Location: Room 4C, Floor 4
Presenters: Angela Knotts (WestEd), Cecilio Dimas (Silicon Valley Math Initiative), and Angela Torres (University of California, San Diego)
High school mathematics has a long history of privileging on-demand, paper-and-pencil assessment. As a result, many students, particularly those with Individualized Education Programs, have not had equitable access to rigorous mathematics or a high school diploma.
Our team of mathematics educators and special education experts shares our experience creating tools and resources to support teachers in reimagining mathematics assessment practices in ways that provide all students with opportunities to rigorously demonstrate proficiency with high school mathematics standards.
About Angela Knotts
A Mathematics Education Research Associate at WestEd, Angela Knotts has worked in secondary mathematics for twenty years as a teacher, coach, K–16 professional development leader, policy consultant, and researcher. She has extensive experience designing and leading mathematics technical assistance and professional learning for teachers and leaders around the country. Her work at WestEd focuses primarily on teacher learning, organizational change, and strategies for scaling effective practice.