Visit PITC.org for more information about the high-quality curriculum and a complete list of PITC professional learning opportunities.
The PITC Curriculum Implementation Training – Fall 2024
Space is limited; please register by September 6
Note: Registration requires a login. If you are new to PITC, you will need to create an account. After logging in, please select “Apply for Event” and then select “Curriculum Training.”
PITC Curriculum planning tools and strategies support:
- An enhanced relationship-based, responsive approach to early care
- The efforts of center- and home-based and family care teachers and providers to facilitate high-quality individualized learning and healthy development for children from birth to age 3
The curriculum is available to be purchased and used independently, but it is most effective when used in conjunction with dynamic PITC Curriculum Implementation Training.
Why attend the PITC Curriculum Implementation Training?
Led by early learning and care experts, the training helps care teachers implement the PITC Curriculum with fidelity.
The training includes:
- Engaging, interactive, knowledgeable support facilitated by a PITC-authorized trainer (four 3-hour sessions)
- A complete set of The PITC Curriculum
- Additional high-quality resources and materials to extend the curriculum and enhance learning and participation in training
- Expanded technical assistance for implementation
Fall Session Dates and Topics
- Session 1, September 27: Introduction to the PITC Curriculum
- Session 2, October 11: The PITC Curriculum Planning Steps and Tools
- Session 3, October 25: Curriculum Planning for Small Groups
- Session 4, November 1: Individual Goal Planning and the Responsive Process of Watch, Ask, and Adapt
All sessions are held on Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon PT / noon to 3 p.m. ET.
Payment must be received by Friday, September 13 to ensure that all materials arrive by the first day of training.
Optional Technical Assistance:
Technical assistance is available to all participants at no additional cost to:
- Provide practice opportunities related to each training
session - Answer frequently asked questions related to each training session
- Support and guide implementation
Drop-in sessions will occur weekly from September 30 to November 8.
Training sessions and optional technical assistance are available virtually on the Zoom platform.
$995.00/per person. Includes a complete set of The PITC Curriculum and the participant binder/materials for the implementation training.
About The PITC Curriculum
PITC now offers a high-quality curriculum in English and Spanish, specifically for children ages 0-3. The curriculum features a planning process based on reflection, observation, and documentation of play and learning that respects each child’s developing abilities, individual strengths and needs, family culture(s), and language(s).
First Impressions
“The alignment of the PITC Curriculum Learning Progressions with the Head Start ELOF is so supportive.”
“Great accomplishment and state-of-the-art materials that illustrate the role of the Infant Toddler Care Teacher when planning infant toddler curriculum.”
For more information about the PITC Curriculum or to schedule curriculum implementation training, please contact Amber Morabito, [email protected], 415-412-5796.