WestEd supports the diverse needs of children and families by developing high-quality programs and resources designed to promote early intervention and equitable assessment as well as infant, family, and early childhood mental health.
What We Do
We work with federal, state, and local programs and systems by sharing evidence-based resources and implementation strategies that bridge research and practice to build systemwide capacity and better serve young children and families.
Intervention, Mental Health, and Inclusion
We advance early childhood intervention, mental health, and inclusion services and contribute to the professional growth of qualified experts by working with agencies to provide training and technical assistance, professional development, and resources for families and professionals.
Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
We help develop and promote state standards, child assessment measures, and curriculum resources and support developmentally appropriate, equitable, and inclusive practice.
Workforce Development
Through our partnerships, we deliver high-quality, equitable, and accessible learning experiences aimed at capacity building for state-level professionals, policymakers, early childhood educators, in-home care providers, trainers, and administrators to support young children and their families. We help states address early childhood workforce compensation, recruitment, and stability issues through data collection, research, policy change, and public awareness.
Our Approach
Our comprehensive approach promotes social–emotional development, positive behavior supports, and inclusive environments that nurture healthy development and school readiness for young children and their families.
Research and Evaluation
We bring comprehensive expertise in early childhood development and learning, research, and evaluation to address critical issues facing early childhood practice, policy, and systems.
Working collaboratively with partners, we tailor-design contextually relevant approaches, such as culturally responsive research strategies prioritizing the inclusion of historically marginalized communities.
Systems-Building and Technical Assistance
Our team facilitates collaboration among state agencies across education, health, and social services to strengthen equity-based system-building efforts by integrating strategies engaging families and communities in the decision-making processes to support the whole child, whole family, and whole community.