
Jennifer Loeffler-Cobia

Justice and Public Health Policy and Practice Director, Justice and Prevention

Contact Jennifer


Jennifer Loeffler-Cobia is a national expert in multisector, evidence-based practices to translate research into actionable outcomes to reduce recidivism, violence, and substance abuse. She also has expertise building organizational capacity to determine and implement evidence-based practices that advance system change through community engagement, evaluation, training, and collaboration. She supports organizational growth through business development, developing organizational frameworks related to continuous quality improvement, and directing both local and federal multi-million-dollar projects.   

Loeffler-Cobia leads research and evaluation studies for WestEd’s Justice and Prevention work, particularly in areas relevant to juvenile and adult criminal justice evidence-based practices, substance misuse prevention and intervention, violence prevention, and public health. She is an experienced technical assistance (TTA) provider, and she has directed numerous TTA centers such as the National Reentry Resource Center and Children Exposed to Violence TTA Center, both funded by the U.S. Department of Justice. She is currently the Director of the Reimagining Community Safety project and subject matter expert for the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP), also funded by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Loeffler-Cobia has developed and published organizational assessments and evidence-based practice resources for use in community-based and justice organizations to support the identification of barriers to effective practice implementation and to build strategic plans for system change. She has conducted Capitol Hill briefings for the U.S. Congress regarding the application of criminal justice and public health policy reforms in real-world settings. Loeffler-Cobia is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Bovard College at the University of Southern California, where she teaches adolescent development and behavior, criminal epidemiology, organizational development, and system thinking.


  • DrPH in public health, University of South Florida 
  • MS in health evaluation, Utah State University 
  • BS in public health, Utah State University 

Recent Media Appearances

Select Publications

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2024). Helping communities address the opioid overdose epidemic: The opioid response planning checklist for systems thinking readiness. Presenter at the Harvard University Prevention, Treatment, and Recover Conference, Baltimore, MD.  

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2024). Helping communities address the opioid overdose epidemic: The opioid response planning checklist for systems thinking readiness. Presenter at the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration Prevention Conference, Washinton DC.  

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2024). System thinking readiness: Identification of facilitators and barriers to adopting a “systems thinking approach” to address to opioid epidemic [Doctoral dissertation, in publication process]. University of South Florida.  

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2023). Opioid response planning checklist: A system’s thinking planning resource for opioid overdose prevention coalitions. University of South Florida. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2022). Reentry practices capacity assessment. Developed for the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2021). Current state of the opioid epidemic in the United States [Policy brief]. Developed for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Campie, P., & Peguero, A. (2019). The politics of school safety research, challenges, solutions, and strategies. Presenter at the American Criminology Society International Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Read, N., Sonnenfeld, K., & Diffenderffer, A. (2019). Promoting education and transition success for neglected and delinquent youth: An evaluation of the Title I, Part D program. U.S. Department of Education. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Salisbury, E., & Gilmore, D. (2019). Tennessee opioid data to action: Center for Disease Control funding strategic planning final report and recommendations. Developed for Tennessee Department of Health for East, Mid, and West Tennessee Regions. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Salisbury, E., & Gilmore, D. (2019). Tennessee opioid data to action: Center for Disease Control funding strategic planning workshops. Tennessee Department of Health for East, Mid, and West Tennessee Regions. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2018). Middlesex County opioid prevention and reduction planning: Evidence-based practice system calibration process readiness and recommendations. Middlesex District Attorney’s Office. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2018). Tennessee opioid prevention and reduction planning: Evidence-based practice system calibration readiness assessment checklist. Developed for Tennessee Department of Health. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Campie, P. (2018). Evidence-based system calibration: Aligning research and readiness to impact population-level change. Presenter at the American Criminology Society International Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Lumby, E. (2018). Tennessee opioid evidence-based practice system calibration regional summits. Tennessee Department of Health for East, Mid, and West Tennessee Regions. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Campie, P. (2017). Evaluability assessment of the Carey Guides. Annie E. Casey Foundation. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Read., N. (2017). Utah State Office of Education Utah Division of Juvenile Justice Services: Education and juvenile justice services alignment and collaboration evaluation. Utah Department of Education and Utah Division of Juvenile Justice. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2016). Coming home: Helping young adults stay out of the justice system. Capitol Hill Briefing, Washington, D.C., hosted by U.S. Senator Chris Murphy. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Campie, P. (2016). Merced County California Juvenile and Adult Probation Department evidence-based practice adherence evaluation. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Campie, P. (2016). Solano County California Juvenile and Adult Probation Department evidence-based practice adherence evaluation. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Butters, R. (2015). Salt Lake County Criminal Justice System change for evidence-based practice adherence. Developed for Utah Justice Advisory Council. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Butters, R. (2015). Utah State Prison and Jail Criminal Justice System change for evidence-based practice adherence. Developed for Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice and Utah Department of Corrections. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Campie, P. E. (2013). Building the evidence base and increasing the quality of homegrown justice programs. American Society for Criminology Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Prince, K., Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Butters, R. P. (2013). Minors in the adult criminal justice system retrospective characteristic study. University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2012). George Junior Republic organizational climate evaluation. Developed for George Junior Republic Youth Center. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Deal, T., & Rackow, A. (2012). Continuous quality improvement guide for juvenile justice systems. Developed for the Pennsylvania Commission Crime and Delinquency. 

Campie, P., & Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2012, Winter). Building the evidence in juvenile justice to improve service delivery and produce better youth outcomes part 1. TODAY Magazine

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2012, Winter). Juvenile justice quality data assessment tool. TODAY Magazine

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2012, Fall). Building the evidence in juvenile justice to improve service delivery and produce better youth outcomes part 3. TODAY Magazine

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2012, Spring). Building the evidence in juvenile justice to improve service delivery and produce better youth outcomes part 2. TODAY Magazine

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2011). Juvenile justice intervention: Quality data assessment tool. National Center for Juvenile Justice. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2011). Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice System enhancement strategy: Quality improvement initiative. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Campie, P. E., George, A. E., & Wood, G. (2011). Sustaining Innovation through effective implementation. Models for Change Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Campie, P. E., Sickmund, M., & Wood, G. (2011). Gottfredson’s rational decision-making framework: 10 years later. Presenter at the American Criminology Society International Conference, Washington, D.C. 

VanNostrand, M., & Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2011). In pursuit of legal and evidence-base pre-trail release recommendations and supervision. Virginia Department of Criminal Justice. 

Ameen, C., & Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2010). Evidence-based practice staff skills assessment for criminal justice organizations. Developed for the Crime and Justice Institute and National Institute of Corrections. 

Guevera, M., Loeffler-Cobia, J., Rhyne, C., & Schawald, J. (2010). Putting the pieces together: Practical strategies for implementing evidence-based practices. Developed for the Crime and Justice Institute and National Institute of Corrections.

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Pierce, K. (2009). Commonwealth of Virginia local probation and pretrial evidence-based practices, retrospective evaluation. Completed for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Corrections. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Pierce, B. (2009). Correctional program assessment inventory: Orange County STEP program. Completed for Orange County, CA, Department of Corrections. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Rhyne, C. (2008). Evaluation of quality assurance practices. Completed for Maricopa County Department of Corrections. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2007). An exploratory study into the static and dynamic risk factors related to female juvenile offending [Publication No. 1454834] [Master’s thesis, Utah State University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.  

Loeffler-Cobia, J., & Dewitt, J. (2007). Observation and assessment center practices best practice evaluation. Completed for Utah Department of Juvenile Justice Services and Utah Judges Association. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Povey, B., Brennen., S., & Farrah., D. (2007). Case planning process and graduated sanctions manual. Developed for Utah Department of Juvenile Justice Services. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J. (2006). Case planning retrospective evaluation on adherence to evidence-based practices. Completed for Utah Department of Juvenile Justice. 

Loeffler-Cobia, J., Banks, T., Robinson, S., & Waite, P. J. (2005). Pro-social behavior of observation and assessment participants in Utah’s juvenile justice system. Completed for the Division of Youth Corrections, State of Utah. 

Honors, Awards, and Affiliations

2016—Recipient, Contributions to Strengthening Human Capitol Practice, American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC 

2014—Recipient, Utah Department of Corrections Excellence in Service Honor 

2009—Recipient, Utah State University College of Education and Human Services Outstanding Young Professional Award 

2009—Recipient, Utah State University Department of Health Outstanding Young Professional Award 

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