
Jennifer Miller

Director, Early Childhood Intervention, Mental Health, and Inclusion

Contact Jennifer


For over 25 years, Jennifer Miller has worked on behalf of young children, their families, and the professionals who support them by applying person-centered, strength-based, and reflective-practice approaches across multiple disciplines and service settings. Her ultimate goal is to build and sustain cross-sector workforce capacity in early childhood systems, programs, and services, including maternal and child health; home visiting; Part C early intervention; early childhood education; and early childhood mental health. 

Jennifer Miller is the director of California’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network. The IECMHC Network provides access to no-cost infant and early childhood mental health consultation services, supports, and resources to all child care and early education program administrators staff and home-based providers across California. State system capacity building efforts include the development and administration of California’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant Training Program, which is designed to prepare a diverse workforce of qualified personnel to deliver high-quality infant and early childhood mental health consultation services across the state. 

Miller is the co-deputy director of the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health administers California’s Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health endorsement system to ensure establishes a standard of excellence that professionals can use to document their knowledge and reflective practice facilitation experience, employers can use to determine hiring practices and make hiring decisions, and consumers can use as a guide to make decisions about practitioners from whom to seek services. 

During a 7-year hiatus from WestEd, Miller worked for the Cayman Islands’s Early Intervention Programme under the Ministry of Education to support both Caymanian and expatriate families from multiple countries with young children birth to 5 years who had developmental concerns, delays, and/or diagnosed disabilities.  


  • MA in developmental psychology, San Francisco State University 
  • BA in psychology, specialization in attachment across the lifespan, Mills College

Honors, Awards, and Affiliations

Member of California’s Learn the Signs Act Early Advisory Board 

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