Nakanya Magby bio photo

Nakanya Magby

Senior Program Associate, Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities

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Nakanya Magby is a senior program associate with WestEd’s Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities, where she focuses on advancing equity and inclusion in school climate improvement efforts. Her work centers on creating safe, supportive, and healing-centered learning environments for students, staff, and families.

Currently, Magby leads a statewide school climate initiative with the Connecticut State Department of Education, providing professional learning, technical assistance, and coaching on practices to support affirming, equitable, and inclusive school climate practices.

With over 20 years of experience, Magby has served at both the state and LEA levels in Washington, DC, providing professional development, technical assistance, and coaching to support school climate improvement efforts. She is also a former special education teacher and director of student support services working with K–12. She believes that all students should have access to a quality educational experience academically and socially, and she strongly advocates for an intentional focus on the wellness of the adults who support youth.

Magby has contributed to several publications and resources on topics to support school climate improvement efforts.


  • MA in counseling psychology, Bowie State University
  • BA in psychology, Howard University

Select Publications

Cerna, R., Valdez, A., & Magby, N. (2024). Implementing participatory systems change initiatives: A tool for reflecting on the essential conditions. WestEd. 

Magby, N., & Miller, A. (2024). Promoting safe and supportive learning environments: A school climate domain assessment tool. California Center for School Climate at WestEd.  

Pate, C., Magby, N., & Betz., J. (2024). Foundations of trauma-informed practices in education. In WestEd (Ed.), Transformational leadership for rapid school improvement (pp.153–163). Teachers College Press. 

Magby, N., & Cerna, R. (2023). Understanding school climate: An overview of school climate domains. WestEd.  

Nguyen, L., Magby, N., & Ojetunde, T. (2023). Reframing and understanding staff resistance to advance positive school climates. California Center for School Climate at WestEd. 

Pfister, T., Magby, N., & Betz, J. (2023). Designing safe and supportive physical classroom environments: A checklist. California Center for School Climate at WestEd. 

Guidi, C., Nguyen, L., Magby, N., Southall, A., Chavez, J., Farias, A., Berkowitz-Sklar, J., & Cerna, R. (2022). Cultivating caring relationships at school: 15 activities that promote staff and student connection. WestEd.