The CA Teaching Pyramid, a tiered framework developed by the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations, has adapted this framework and offers professional learning services to promote social and emotional competence in infants and young children.
How We Help
Our comprehensive professional development system for providers and teachers applies evidence-based recommendations for achieving CA Teaching Pyramid implementation with fidelity and sustainability over time. This system is based on four interrelated components:
Program Leadership Team
The system guides programs through the first step in implementing the CA Teaching Pyramid framework by establishing a program-wide team of leaders, including an administrator, supervisors, teachers, and support specialists.
Training Modules
The system includes carefully designed training modules delivered over time. The training modules provide knowledge and dispositions needed to implement the CA Teaching Pyramid approach.
A key system component is strength-based coaching between module trainings to facilitate practitioner understanding and support the integration of CA Teaching Pyramid strategies into everyday classroom practices.
During the course of training and coaching, the program leadership team meets and creates a sustainability plan, building the CA Teaching Pyramid approach into program policies and procedures.
Visit our website for more details.
Service Delivery
- Online and onsite
Who Will Benefit
- Child care providers
- Educators
- Home visitors
- Teachers and assistants
- Program directors
- Special educators
- School and district administrators

Featured Experts
Linda Brault
Connecting Research With Practice
WestEd’s CA Teaching Pyramid is a systematic framework of evidence-based practices to help early childhood educators meet the needs of all students. It is aligned with California’s Early Learning and Development System and supported by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division. The professional learning and technical assistance design is based on research in implementation science, ensuring that program staff apply the new practices and leaders help sustain those practices.