
National Center for Systemic Improvement

Strengthening state capacity to realize positive outcomes for students with disabilities.

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Current Challenge

Students with disabilities can and do meet high expectations when education systems are designed to meet their needs. Such success requires adopting and implementing evidence-based instruction, designing and implementing effective general supervision systems, and equipping committed state leaders with the skills to leverage their authority, influence, and resources. 


The National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) advances outcomes for students with disabilities through sustained technical assistance (TA) that strengthens state educational agency (SEA) capacity to ensure effective implementation of IDEA.  

We provide data-driven, client-centered support for state leaders and staff to strengthen organizational and talent management and retention; design, implement, evaluate, and improve general supervision systems; and lead for effective instruction through evidence-based and high-leverage practices. 

Audience Served

NCSI provides differentiated technical assistance to support SEAs to examine conditions producing current results and determine what changes are needed; plan for and implement deep systemic solutions that address root causes; ensure ongoing commitment to results amid changing conditions; and use data and insights to support systems improvement at scale. 

Key Activities

NCSI builds knowledge and awareness through national events and the creation and distribution of resources through Universal TA; convenes state teams and national thought leaders to jointly explore pressing problems and support one another to identify and test out solutions via Targeted TA; and offers customized support to individual states to engage in systemic reviews and improvement processes to change outcomes for students with disabilities through Intensive TA. 

Center Directors

Rorie Fitzpatrick

Rorie Fitzpatrick

Rorie Fitzpatrick is a nationally recognized thought partner for policymakers and educators, with three decades of experience in educational leadership, policy development, and technical…
Michele Rovins

Michele Rovins

Michele Rovins has almost 30 years of experience in the field of education and over 20 years of experience managing a portfolio of U.S….


This project is funded in full by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education through award #H326R190001. 

Project Duration


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