
(Past Event) 2024 Supporting English Learners With Disabilities Summer Institutes: Administrator Essentials for Supporting English Learners with Disabilities

Supporting English Learners with Disabilities

With the number of English Learners growing across the country, practitioners face the challenge of how to best provide instruction and intervention to support the language development and learning needs of these students.

Practitioners can wonder about when, why, and how to provide culturally and linguistically responsive pre-referral intervention due to the complex interrelationships of language, culture, home, and school factors that can impact learning and behavior. Site administrators need to balance how to support teachers, interventionists, and English language development (ELD) specialists in providing equitable services while supporting related service providers with the complicated special education evaluation process for identifying an English Learner student with a disability.

The virtual WestEd summer English Learners With Disabilities (ELSWD) institutes address these needs through three offerings for the summer of 2024.

Note: You can join one, two, or all three sessions, as they are not prerequisites for attending subsequent sessions. If you have joined us in the past, the content may seem similar, but new research and practices are added each year to make the institute timely and practical for all participants. 

Administrator Essentials for Supporting English Learners With Disabilities 

Date: August 13, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.–10:30 p.m. (PT) | 12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. (ET)
Location: Virtual

REGISTER by August 6, 2024

Join us to gain a greater understanding of culturally and linguistically responsive instruction and intervention practices for English Learners within a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework; culturally sensitive special education evaluation; and IEP requirements and the IDEA special factors that must be addressed in each IEP of an English Learner, including IEP team membership, family and student engagement, and ELD programming for an English Learner identified as eligible for special education services.

This 1-day session will run for 90 minutes.

Who Will Benefit

  • Special education administrators, site administrators, and other support personnel working with English Learners suspected of having a disability

What You Will Learn

Participants will have the opportunity to

  • recognize the role of culturally responsive instruction and intervention within an MTSS framework for English Learners in the pre-referral intervention process;
  • identify IDEA-required culturally sensitive assessment practices for special education assessment and eligibility determination of English Learners;
  • be aware of the critical components of a culturally and linguistically compliant IEP for English Learners; and
  • develop strategies to support collaboration with general education, special education, and English Learner staff for equitable instruction for English Learners identified with disabilities.


$150 per person
Payment options to WestEd include ACH/EFT, PayPal, purchase orders, and checks.

What’s Included

Participants receive 90 minutes of professional development, a certificate verifying the 90-minutes of professional learning, and access to Padlet Wall resources.


Feel free to email us at [email protected] with any questions.