For decades, community college students have faced systemic barriers to completing their courses. Community college data shows that many students spend years paying for and taking a series of non-credit-bearing, remedial courses in math and English, often never reaching the requisite, college-level courses that count towards graduation.

Additionally, over several semesters or years, students often accumulate course credits that don’t result in a certificate, degree, or a comprehensive set of employable skills, unknowingly wasting time and money.

To combat barriers to success, the SDICCCA Regional Consortium, comprised of leaders from 10 San Diego-area community colleges, is launching major reforms by leveraging funds from California’s Strong Workforce Program, a program that aims to increase the state’s workforce and prepare its future workforce for the 21st century.

Using Guided Pathways, a nationwide, higher education reform strategy, the Consortium plans to revamp how students progress in their community college experience, enabling them to maintain steady momentum as they follow clear, streamlined, and efficient paths toward attaining a certificate, degree, or living-wage employment.

This brief describes:

  • The common and systemic roadblocks to student success
  • SDICCCA’s new vision of the community college experience
  • How leaders and stakeholders are working together toward institutional reform
  • The focus on promoting equity and closing the achievement gap
  • Challenges and obstacles to overcome