Product Information
Copyright: 2024
Format: PDF
Pages: 36
Publisher: WestEd
Developed by researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ASSISTments is a free curriculum-based, formative assessment platform that applies innovative technology in education. The ASSISTments intervention aligns with theory- and empirically based instructional practices of formative assessment and student math skill development.
This technical report extends the scope of the research brief Technology-Based Support Shows Promising Long-Term Impact on Math Learning: Initial Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial in Middle Schools, which presented the findings of a study that measured the possible long-term impact of ASSISTments on student learning.
This report further examines the differential impacts of ASSISTments on subgroups of student populations and the relationship between the usage of ASSISTments and students’ long-term math outcomes.
Key Insights
- ASSISTments had a significant positive impact on student learning in the long term.
- ASSISTments helped close opportunity gaps.
- ASSISTments benefited more those students whose schools had a higher percentage of students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds or a lower percentage of White students.