This report summarizes WestEd’s evaluation findings related to the professional learning and coaching model implemented as part of the California Statewide Early Math Initiative (CAEMI).

Thirty local education agencies across California each invited a team of two to four individuals to participate in the CAEMI professional learning and coaching model, for a total of 91 agency facilitators. The agency facilitators included trainers, coaches, administrators, teachers, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) coordinators. In their roles and agencies, facilitators worked with educators of young children ages birth through eight years to support early math development.

WestEd’s evaluation includes the following recommendations for future implementation of the CAEMI:

  • Ensure professional learning fully addresses the birthtoeight age range and provide guidance and resources to promote articulation and continuity in math learning across age groups.
  • Deepen the facilitators’ understanding of early math content knowledge, developmental progressions, and teaching skills while engaging them in handson, playful math experiences.
  • Further tailor the CAEMI professional learning and coaching to participants’ diverse strengths, needs, and backgrounds. For agencies that need higher levels of support, provide additional tools and concrete guidance on planning and implementing local professional learning and coaching.
  • Build in additional supports for quality assurance of local implementation, such as observations and review of materials.
  • Disseminate the newly developed CAEMI resources more strategically during the CAEMI Phase II.
  • Expand the use of the Lighthouse for Children Child Development Center as a demonstration site.