Robert Rosenfeld is a Senior Engagement Manager in the Quality Schools and Districts (QSD) program at WestEd, where he focuses on school and district support services with an emphasis on comprehensive school improvement through an equity-centered systems lens.
Rosenfeld has more than 2 decades of experience leading teams to build the capacity of districts, schools, and those who work with them to plan, implement, and monitor research-based, comprehensive reform efforts. He works with districts across the country to review and build coherent curriculum, instruction, and assessment systems.
Prior to joining WestEd, Rosenfeld managed the development of educational software and educational toys, with a focus on designing unique learner experiences that appeal to children and families from diverse backgrounds. He is proficient in both English and Spanish.
- MA in education, Stanford University
- BA in ecology, behavior, and evolution, University of California, San Diego
Select Publications
Perks, K., Rosenfeld, R., & Sassone, J. (2024). A transformative process of schoolwide instructional inquiry: A standards-driven framework for improving teaching and learning. WestEd. https://www.wested.org/wested-bulletin/insights-impact/schoolwide-instructional-inquiry-standards-driven-framework-for-improving-teaching-and-learning/
Rosenfeld, R. (2024). Conducting a targeted curriculum review. In K. Perks (Ed.), Transformational leadership for rapid school improvement (pages 117-126). Teachers College Press. https://www.wested.org/resources/transformational-leadership-for-rapid-school-improvement/
Perks, K., & Rosenfeld, R. (2022). A strengths-based approach to assessment rubrics. WestEd. https://www.wested.org/wested-bulletin/equity-in-focus/strengths-based-assessment-rubrics/
Rosenfeld, R. (2020). Extending mathematical practice standards across the curriculum. WestEd. https://www.wested.org/wested-bulletin/insights-impact/mathematical-practice-standards-across-the-curriculum/