Haiwen Chu headshot

Haiwen Chu

Senior Research Associate, Mathematics

Contact Haiwen


Haiwen Chu is a national expert on mathematics education for English Learners. Chu’s work connects theory, research, and practice to improve learning opportunities and outcomes in mathematics in grades 6–12. Chu collaborates with education systems to build human and organizational capacity to improve policy, programs, and pedagogy for English Learners at all levels.

Chu serves as a co-principal investigator for the National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners, funded by the Institute Education Research Science, and the Investigating Novel Mathematics Tasks for Engaging in Conceptual Talk with English Learners Education Core Research study, funded by the National Science Foundation. These rigorous research projects have developed, tested, and refined innovative new tasks to engage English Learners in simultaneous development of concepts, language, and practices. In addition, Chu engages educators across the nation in professional learning to expand their capacity to challenge and support English Learners. 

Chu draws upon his experience as a high school mathematics teacher who engaged his recently-arrived immigrant students with project-based and culturally-relevant mathematics learning. In addition, he has served in a wide variety of research roles developing his expertise in mixed-methods research design, classroom observations, longitudinal data analysis, and What Works Clearinghouse standards. 


  • PhD, urban education policy, the City University of New York Graduate Center 
  • MA, mathematics teaching grades 7–12, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York 
  • AB, mathematics, Harvard College 

Select Publications

Chu, H., & Lopez, G. V. (2024). All sorts of quality interactions with English Learners. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK–12, 117(4). 

Chu, H., DePiper, J. N., & Hamburger, L. (2023). Varying the intensity of scaffolding for English Learners. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK–12, 116(12). 

Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2019). Taking mathematics instruction to task: Applying second language acquisition approaches to analyze and amplify learning opportunities for English Learners. NYS TESOL Journal, 6(2), 16–30. 

Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2019). Designing mathematical interactions for English Learners. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 24(4), 218–225. 

Chu, H., Tran, T., & Hamburger, L. (2022). Redefining approaches for engaging English Learners with mathematical ideas. National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners at WestEd. 

Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2022). Educative curriculum materials for English Learners: Varying the intensity of scaffolding. In L. de Oliveira & R. Westerlund (Eds.) Scaffolding for multilingual learners in elementary and secondary schools (pp. 181–196). Routledge. 

Hamburger, L., & Chu, H. (2019). Making slope a less slippery concept for English Learners: Redesigning mathematics instruction with rich interactions. In A. Walqui & G. Bunch (Eds.) Amplifying the curriculum: Designing quality learning opportunities for English Learners (pp. 115–137). Teachers College Press. 

Perry, R., Green, J., Chu, H., D’Silva, K., & Salciccioli, M. (2019). Improving middle school mathematics: An evaluation of SFUSD’s Salesforce initiatives. WestEd. 

Honors, Awards, and Affiliations

Principal Member of the Institute of Education Sciences grant peer review panel on Education Systems and Broad Policy Reform (appointment 2021–26). 

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