Jennifer Blitz works with state education agencies and site and district teams across the country to substantively impact teaching and learning and improve educational outcomes for linguistically and culturally diverse learners.
As a Senior Program Associate with the English Learner and Migrant Education Services team, Blitz supports state education agencies around the development and implementation of English language proficiency standards, the creation of assessment tools used to reclassify English Learners as proficient in English, and the development of implementation and support materials for ELD instructional models. She also supports local education agencies in enhancing instruction for diverse learners. This includes facilitation of systemic change through development of strategic plans, as well professional learning support designed to enhance the expertise and practice of educators of English Learners.
Prior to joining WestEd, Blitz taught Spanish language and social studies in Arizona and served as a high school administrator. Throughout her career she has remained highly committed to reducing the opportunity gap and increasing outcomes for diverse learners.
- MA in educational leadership, Northern Arizona University
- MA in curriculum and instruction, University of Phoenix
- BA in Spanish language and Latin American studies, Tulane University
Select Publications
Blitz, J., Jones, B., & Faulkner-Bond, M. (in press). Accelerating learning for English Learners through formative assessment practices. Region 15 Comprehensive Center.
Blitz, J., & Castillo M. (2023). From policy to practice: Supporting the implementation of English language development policies through professional learning [Paper presentation]. National Association of Bilingual Educators (NABE) Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.
Blitz, J., Gregg, A., & Dilwith, L. (2023). Cultivating leadership for English Learner success [Paper presentation]. Learning Forward Conference, Washington D.C., United States.
Blitz, J. (2022). Building equity through quality interactions [Paper presentation]. Office of English Language Acquisition (OELAS) Conference, Tucson, AZ, United States.
Blitz, J. (2022). From theory to practice: How theories of learning impact teaching and learning experiences for English Learners [Paper presentation]. Office of English Language Acquisition (OELAS) Conference, Tucson, AZ, United States.
Blitz, J., Castillo, M., Faulkner-Bond, Molly, & Wright, K. (2019). Meeting the needs of English Learners in the State of Arizona [Paper presentation]. Office of English Language Acquisition (OELAS) Conference, Tucson, AZ, United States.
Blitz, J. (2018). Content and language working together [Paper presentation]. California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Conference, Sacramento, CA, United States.