Leslie Hamburger is an expert in Multilingual Learner programs and pedagogy and has 25 years of experience in mathematics education for Multilingual Learners. As leader of the Quality Teaching for English Learners initiative, she assists states, districts, and schools in the development and implementation of exemplary educational programs for Multilingual Learners and designs professional learning to enhance the expertise of educators to promote the simultaneous development of disciplinary, analytic, and language practices.
Hamburger leads the English Learner and Migrant Education Services, Quality Schools and Districts, and Assessment for Learning teams to improve opportunities and outcomes for diverse student populations. She directs large research, development, technical assistance, and professional learning projects focused on improving educator capacity to achieve equitable outcomes for Multilingual Learners. She currently serves as Co-Investigator of the Reimagining and Accelerating Mathematics Participation, Understanding, and Practices (RAMP-UP) Study for the National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners (R305C200008) and as English Learner Specialist for the Elevating Engineering for Multilingual Learners study (R305A220456).
Prior to her employment at WestEd, Hamburger served as a high school and district administrator in high-poverty, diverse schools and was responsible for implementing mathematics and science reform, curriculum development and implementation, and professional learning leading to increased student achievement. As a mathematics curriculum specialist, she designed mathematics curricula and conducted professional development and coaching for STEM teachers, with a focus on linguistically diverse student populations.
- MA in educational administration, San Jose State University
- BS in business administration, University of New England
Select Publications
Chu, H., DePiper, J. N., & Hamburger, L. (2023). Varying the intensity of scaffolding for English learners. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12, 116(12), 906–911.
Hamburger, L., & Chu, H. (2023, March). Necessary shifts in mathematics curricula for English learners [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of TESOL International, Portland, OR, United States.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2022). Educative curriculum materials for English learners: Varying the intensity of scaffolding. In L. C. de Oliveira & R. Westerlund (Eds.), Scaffolding for Multilingual Learners in elementary and secondary schools (pp. 181–196). Routledge.
Chu, H., Tran, T., & Hamburger, L. (2022). Redefining approaches for engaging English Learners with mathematical ideas. National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners at WestEd.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2022, May 9). Engage English learners in integrating oral and written communications in mathematics. National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners at WestEd. https://www.elrdcenter.wested.org/post/engage-english-learners-in-integrating-oral-and-written-communications-in-mathematics
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2022, May 3). Sustain an explicit focus on language as it is used in mathematics. National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners at WestEd.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2022, April 18). Engage English learners in meaningful interactions and discourse with others. National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners at WestEd.
Chu, H., Tran, T., & Hamburger, L. (2022, April 21-22). Definitions for English learners in secondary mathematics: A curriculum scan and ecological reframing [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, United States.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2020). Supporting English learners through formative assessment practices. California School Boards Association.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2020). Challenging and supporting English learners in STEM learning at a distance. California School Boards Association.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2019). Taking mathematics instruction to task: Applying Second Language Acquisition approaches to analyze and amplify learning opportunities for English learners. NYSTESOL Journal, 6(2), 16–30.
Hamburger, L., & Chu, H. (2019). Making slope a less slippery concept for English learners: Redesigning mathematics instruction with rich interactions. In A. Walqui & G. Bunch (Eds.), Amplifying the curriculum: Designing quality learning opportunities for English learners (pp. 115–137). Teachers College Press.
Chu, H., & Hamburger, L. (2019). Designing mathematical interactions for English learners. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 24(4).
Hamburger, L. (2018, March). Realizing the potential of all learners [Keynote presentation]. Annual Central Mathematics Symposium of the California Math Council, Visalia, CA, United States.
Recent Media Appearances
- Prince William schools enhancing English learner program following outside review, InsideNoVa.com, November 18, 2024