Melissa Rasberry

Melissa Rasberry

Senior Policy Advisor, Teacher Workforce

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Senior Policy Advisor Melissa A. Rasberry (she/her) possesses visionary leadership, deep subject matter expertise, and exemplary project management skills, honed through more than 25 years of experience in public K–16 classrooms and education non-profits. She is particularly adept at designing and implementing effective virtual learning activities which incorporate best practices for adult learning with content knowledge from research and practice. Her professional interests span the teaching and leading continuum—from recruitment and preparation to professional development and retention. She is a firm believer that preparing and supporting educators throughout their careers will reap huge rewards for students. 

At WestEd, she leads and contributes to multiple projects through the Region 2 and Bureau of Indian Education Comprehensive Centers. In this role, she collaborates with SEA leaders in New York, Rhode Island, and Arkansas to identify pressing issues related to teacher workforce data, educator professional development, and administrator licensure, respectively. She also manages webinar content development and facilitation for the Department of Labor’s Educator Registered Apprenticeship (ERA) Intermediary, in which she utilizes best practices in adult learning principles to ensure high-quality online learning experiences. As a result, current and prospective ERA programs have deepened their understanding of issues related to diversifying the teaching profession and financing apprenticeships. 

Rasberry previously served as the community of practice (CoP) manager for the federal State Support Network at the American Institutes of Research, which provided technical assistance to state and district leaders on the implementation of ESSA. Her expertise in virtual learning ensured the success of 15 CoPs for the network, ranging in focus from supporting foster care students in K–12 schools to implementing evidence-based practices for improving classroom instruction. Rasberry also served as a principal investigator for a portfolio of National Science Foundation STEM teacher capacity-building grants. She began her career as a 3rd grade teacher and a principal intern at two diverse elementary schools in Durham, NC. Presently, she serves part-time as an adjunct assistant professor at both UNC-Chapel Hill and Virginia State University where she mentors graduate students with their research studies for educational leadership.  


  • EdD, educational leadership, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 
  • MSA, school administration, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 
  • BA, elementary education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 

Select Publications

Rasberry, M., Weber, G., & Wilson, J. (2022). From clock-based to competency-based: How microcredentials can transform professional development. In C. Mouza, A. Ottenbreit-Leftwich, & A. Yadav (Eds.), Professional development for in-service teachers (pp. 361–384). Information Age Publishing. 

Reinking, A. K., McGill, M. M., Sexton, S., Zarch, R., Ong, C., Rasberry, M., & Hollis, S. (2022). Teacher computer science professional development evaluation toolkit: A companion document to the guidebook for virtual professional development for computer science teachers. SageFox Consulting Group. 

Zarch, R., Sexton, S., McGill, M., Rasberry, M., Ong, C., Hollis, S., & Smith, J. (2021). Hindsight 2020: Guidebook for virtual professional development for computer science, lessons learned from summer 2020. SageFox Consulting Group. 

Schwarzhaupt, R., Liu, F., Wilson, J., Lee, F., & Rasberry, M. (2021). Teachers’ engagement and self-efficacy in a PK–12 computer science teacher virtual community of practice. Journal of Computer Science Integration, 4(1), 1.  

Rasberry, M. (2015). Finding a place to call home in the CS10K Community. ACM Inroads, 6, 92.  

Rasberry, M. (2012, March/April). Preparing tomorrow’s teachers today. Go Teach, 1(4).  

Rasberry, M. (2011). Making teacher evaluation work for students: Voices from the classroom. Center for Teaching Quality. 

Byrd, A., & M. Rasberry. (2011). Teacher and teaching effectiveness: A bold view from National Board Certified Teachers in North Carolina. Center for Teaching Quality. 

Berry, B., Rasberry, M., & Barnes, N. (2008, September). National Education Association and National Board Certified Teachers: Building the teaching profession. Center for Teaching Quality. 

Rasberry, M., & Mahajan, G. (2008, September). From isolation to collaboration: Promoting teacher leadership through PLCs. Center for Teaching Quality. 

Rasberry, M. (2007). The tipping point of transformation: Analyzing school reform efforts in low-performing, high-poverty schools. [Doctoral dissertation]. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 

Rasberry, M. (2006). Transforming teaching and learning in Mobile: Understanding reform in MCPSS’ five transformation schools. Center for Teaching Quality. 

Honors, Awards, and Affiliations

Advisor, Hearing Each Other’s Voices Advisory Board (2023–Present) 

Goodmon Fellow, Leadership Triangle (2022–Present) 

Council Member, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education Alumni Council (2016–Present) 

Advisor, STEM Multiplex Advisory Board (2019–2021) 

Advisor, STEMforAll Videohall Advisory Board (2016–2021) 

Board Member, Dynamic Community Charter School (2012–2013) 

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