Robin Chait has an extensive background in technical assistance and education policy and more than a decade of leadership experience in a variety of types of education organizations, providing her with a unique perspective on the education ecosystem. As a Project Director with the School Choice team, Chait helps state and local education leaders expand educational opportunities for all students. She also collaborates with states and school districts to enhance their policies and practices to ensure a diverse and effective educator workforce.
Chait leads projects that provide professional development and technical assistance for the charter sector. She works with the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to lead the NY-RISE (Resources, Information, Support & Engagement) initiative to provide a series of professional development workshops and technical assistance webinars that strengthen the individual and collective capacities of charter school interest holders. Over 90 percent of participants found the sessions invaluable for skill-building, with 87 percent of all participants planning to implement new practices based on what they learned. Chait also recently led WestEd’s partnership on the National Charter School Resource Center, providing professional development, tools, and resources to Charter School Program grantees and charter interest holders.
Before joining WestEd, Chait led policy, communications, and fundraising initiatives for Center City Public Charter Schools. She also previously served as Director of Teaching and Learning at the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Associate Director for Teacher Quality at the Center for American Progress, Teaching Fellow with the D.C. Teaching Fellows Program, and Program Analyst with the U.S. Department of Education.
This diverse experience allows Chait to empathize with the challenges state and local education agency staff face so that she can craft solutions that resonate with their needs and ultimately build toward a future where every student can succeed.
- MPP, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
- MA in teaching, American University
Select Publications
Chait, R., Wynveen, K., & Tran, A. (2023). Intentional engagement: How to create and administer a community survey in the charter sector. WestEd. https://www.wested.org/resources/administering-community-surveys-in-the-charter-sector/
Browning, A., Chait, R., & Wendling, H. (2022). Five strategies school leaders can use to create supportive environments for teachers. WestEd. https://www.wested.org/wested-bulletin/insights-impact/five-things-school-leaders-can-do-to-support-teacher-well-being/
Chait, R., & Wynveen, K. (2022). Assessing community needs: Strategies for charter schools and authorizers. WestEd. https://www.wested.org/resources/assessing-community-needs-strategies-for-charter-schools-and-authorizers/
Allender, S., Browning, A., Chait, R., Dwyer, C., Keirstead, C., & Nabors, A. (2019). Fostering collaboration between district and charter schools: A toolkit for state and local leaders. WestEd.
Chait, R., & Keirstead, C. (2019). Putting students first: Profiles of district–charter collaboration in the District of Columbia and Massachusetts. https://wested2024.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/11165855/resource-putting-students-first-profiles-of-district-charter-collaboration-1.pdf
Bireda, S., & Chait, R. (2011). Increasing teacher diversity: Strategies to improve the teacher workforce. Center for American Progress.
Chait, R., & Miller, R. (2010). Treating different teachers differently: How state policy should act on differences in teacher performance to improve teacher effectiveness and equity. Center for American Progress.
Chait, R. (2009). From qualifications to results: Promoting teacher effectiveness through federal policy. Center for American Progress.
Honors, Awards, and Affiliations
Board Member, the SEED School of Washington, DC