Sean Tanner is a researcher with expertise in research design, machine learning, education policy, and methods of causal inference. Tanner has conducted natural experimental research on large-scale education policies such as Title I’s Schoolwide Program and California’s accountability system, as well as a methodological study of predictive performance in machine learning algorithms.
Tanner oversees large, multisite studies on the impact of education policies on student achievement. His work includes consulting with states and districts to determine rigorous and feasible study designs; leading a team of researchers using advanced statistical methods, surveys, and qualitative interviews; and disseminating the results to policymakers, education leaders, and academic audiences.
- PhD in public policy, University of California, Berkeley
- BA in political philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
Select Publications
Tanner, S., & Mathias, J. (2024). Evaluation of California’s differentiated assistance: A post-pandemic update. WestEd
Tanner, S., & McClellan, P. (2024). Do districts equitably allocate revenue increases? New causal evidence from property tax elections and school-level spending data [Manuscript in preparation].
Tanner, S., McClellan, P., Lewis, R., & Mathias, J. (2024). Does school-level fiscal flexibility reduce inequality in student achievement? New evidence from Title I [Manuscript in preparation].
Krausen, K., Tanner, S., Caparas, R., Makkonen, R., Burr, E., & Mathias, J. (2022). Evaluation of California’s differentiated assistance. WestEd.
Tanner, S., Terrell, J., Vislosky, E., Gellar, J., & Gill, B. (2021). Predicting early fall student enrollment in the School District of Philadelphia (REL 2022–124). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED615006.pdf
Johnson, R. C., & Tanner, S. (2018). Money and freedom: The impact of California’s school finance reform on academic achievement and the composition of district spending (Getting Down to Facts II). Learning Policy Institute. https://www.gettingdowntofacts.com/sites/default/files/2018-09/GDTFII_Report_Johnson.pdf
Honors, Awards, and Affiliations
Reviewer for many journals and research organizations, including Education Finance and Policy, Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, AERA Open, the Institute of Education Sciences, the Association for Education Finance & Policy, the Public Policy Institute of California, and the Learning Policy Institute
Phi Beta Kappa, University of California, Berkeley
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, University of California, Berkeley
Teaching Effectiveness Award, University of California, Berkeley