
Reading Apprenticeship

Improving academic literacy for middle, high school, and college students.

What if teachers learned to recognize their own subject area expertise and apprentice students in the ways of reading, writing, thinking, talking, and reasoning in their fields?

What if students were explicitly supported to solve reading problems and persevere?  

As both a professional development model and instructional approach, Reading Apprenticeship encourages this kind of teaching and learning while delivering results at scale.  

How We Help

Professional learning services from Reading Apprenticeship are proven to support teaching and learning across a range of demographics and educational settings. 

A suite of flexible services helps you to start implementing the Reading Apprenticeship approach and sustain success through options for in-person professional learning as well as facilitated online courses. 

Educators using Reading Apprenticeship: 

  • Regularly model disciplinary-specific literacy skills 
  • Help students build high-level comprehension strategies 
  • Engage students in building knowledge by making connections to background knowledge they already have 
  • Provide ample guided, collaborative individual practice as an integral part of teaching their subject area curriculum 

As a result of these techniques, students develop the literacy competencies, subject area knowledge, and learner dispositions they need—for school, college, careers, and life. 

We offer professional learning institutes and coaching at WestEd—online, and at schools and colleges throughout the U.S. 

Explore our services. 

Service Delivery

  • Online and onsite

Who Will Benefit

  • Students 
  • Teachers 
  • Coaches 
  • School and district administrators 
  • County office of education administrators 
  • State Educational Agency administrators 

The amount of both growth and confidence that students in our school have displayed as a result of Reading Apprenticeship has been absolutely stunning.

— Alicia Ross
Teacher at Blue Ridge High School, PA

Featured Experts

Misty Sailors

Misty Sailors

With over 30 years of experience in literacy education and research, Misty Sailors brings a wealth of expertise to her role as Research Director…
Linda Friedrich

Linda Friedrich

Linda Friedrich is a national expert in literacy, with an emphasis on evidence-based practices for teaching writing, adolescent reading, and professional learning. She leads…

Connecting Research With Practice

Multiple independent, randomized-controlled studies show that participation in Reading Apprenticeship shifts teacher practice and improves student learning and engagement.  

Reading Apprenticeship’s strong evidence base has earned high honors that qualify the program to be included in What Works Clearinghouse, CASEL’s Effective Social Emotional Learning Programs, and It has also won prestigious Education Innovation and Research grants from the U.S. Department of Education. 

Visit the Reading Apprenticeship website to learn more. 

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