Product Information
The Mitigating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Criminal Justice System: Linking Research with Policy online conversation series, hosted by the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) and the WestEd Justice & Prevention Research Center (JPRC), features leading scholars and experts who will share research, evidence, and operational practices to promote systemwide change to our nation’s criminal justice system.
In this first session, professors Robin Engel, Lorie Fridell, and Tracey Meares, as well as Deputy Chief Tarrick McGuire examine whether training innovations in procedural justice, implicit bias, de-escalation, and community policing can lead to equitable outcomes.
Cynthia Lum (CEBCP) moderated and Anthony Petrosino (JPRC) hosted the session.
Find links to presenter biographies, suggested readings, and other resources.
Listen to the Audio Recording
About the Centers
Housed within the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University, the CEBCP seeks to make scientific research a key component in decisions about crime and justice policies. The CEBCP carries out this mission by advancing rigorous studies in criminal justice and criminology through research-practice collaborations, and proactively serving as an informational and translational link to practitioners and the policy community.
The WestEd JPRC highlights the rigorous research and evaluation work that WestEd researchers are conducting in the areas of school safety, violence and crime prevention, juvenile and criminal justice, and public health. A primary goal of the Center is to become a “trusted” source of evidence on the effects of policies and programs in these areas. In addition to conducting research and evaluation studies, Center staff promote the use of scientific evidence in making decisions about programs, policies, and practices relevant to justice and prevention.