Product Information
Copyright: 2019
Format: PDF
Pages: 53
Publisher: WestEd
To help educators statewide establish implementation efforts to strengthen mathematics and science teaching and learning, the California Partnership for Math and Science Education launched in 2016.
The Partnership grew out of a shared commitment by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association, the California Department of Education, and the California State Board of Education to develop a tiered approach to deepen statewide standards implementation support and coordination across all content areas.
The Partnership initiated two flagship efforts – two statewide Communities of Practice (CPs) and the establishment of 22 grant-funded collaboratives to promote the creation of more localized CPs or capacity-building projects.
WestEd has provided evaluation services over the course of the initiative and documents lessons learned from the collaboratives’ evolution and work.
This report focuses on 13 of the regional collaboratives and captures a snapshot of how efforts are building collaboration, capacity, and – ultimately – sustainability for mathematics and science standards implementation.
It highlights nine key lessons learned from regional collaborative efforts, including the importance of relationship-building and articulating a shared vision.