Inclusive early education programs are limited, leaving many families of children with disabilities without access to crucial social-emotional and academic foundations that support positive outcomes for all students.
To support the expansion of inclusive early education programs for children with disabilities, WestEd partnered with the California Department of Education to evaluate the Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP). This statewide initiative aimed to improve access to high-quality, inclusive early education programs for children with disabilities, including those with significant or severe conditions. The state provided funds for 65 local education agencies in California to invest in partnerships, professional development, facility improvements, and adaptive equipment purchases. WestEd conducted a mixed methods evaluation, collecting child enrollment data and garnering perspectives on expansion efforts from district and county offices of education staff, collaborative community agencies, early education program leaders, educators, and families of children with and without disabilities.
The insights from this evaluation provide California—and states nationwide—with actionable guidance to create inclusive, high-quality learning environments that effectively support all children and address systemic barriers to inclusion.
Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Evaluation
By Osnat Zur, Sarah Johns, Lynneth Solis, Tatiana Hill, Amy Yanchik, Erika Vasquez-Chilin, Amy Cordier, Danielle Munguia, Rosalie Odean, and Ericka Muñoz
This presentation highlights WestEd’s comprehensive evaluation of the Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program grants, which assessed implementation plans, progress, and impacts across 65 school districts and county offices of education. The evaluation involved surveys, focus groups, site visits, and document reviews, engaging 2,000 families, hundreds of educators, district leaders, and community organizations to identify the challenges and successes in fostering inclusive education settings.
Helping Early Education Providers Support Children With Disabilities
By Sarah Johns
This blog post examines findings from WestEd’s evaluation of California’s Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program, underscoring how professional development—through training, coaching, and collaboration between general and special education staff—helps educators build the skills and confidence needed to create inclusive classrooms. Gain actionable insights on fostering inclusion and ensuring every child feels welcomed in early education settings.
Expanding Access to Inclusive Early Education for Children With Disabilities
By Sarah Johns
This blog post highlights strategies identified through WestEd’s evaluation of California’s Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program to support the expansion of inclusive early learning opportunities for children with disabilities. Learn how collaboration, professional development, and targeted investments support all children—while also benefiting families and educators. Discover success stories and actionable insights for building inclusive early learning environments that support every child’s growth and potential.
Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Evaluation Interim Evaluation Report
By Sarah Johns, Amy Yanchik, Tatiana Hill-Maini, Lynneth Solis, Osnat Zur, and Erika Vasquez-Chilin
This report assesses the interim progress made by grantees toward increasing enrollment of children with disabilities during the first two years of implementation, including (1) findings from a review of grantee applications, (2) a survey of site leaders, teachers, and families of children affiliated with early education sites benefitting from Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program funding, and (3) quarterly progress reports submitted by grantees.