Product Information
Copyright: 2023
Format: PDF
Pages: 7
Publisher: WestEd
This brief describes how the screening assessments used by schools and school districts in the report A First Look at Early Literacy Performance in Massachusetts define “at risk” of reading difficulty differently. It then provides the results of a study that links screener benchmark scores to the Massachusetts state assessment, allowing a comparison of screening benchmarks.
Key Insights
- There is no common definition of “at risk” across the various screening assessments. Instead, they provide multiple benchmarks or performance levels defined in different ways.
- Most screening assessment benchmarks that indicate any level of risk fall into the state’s “partially meets” expectations category.
- Literacy screening assessment benchmark scores that identify students at risk successfully predict which students will not meet MCAS expectations, but do not necessarily predict who will meet them.
- Considering these differences among benchmark scores that define risk, schools and districts must carefully consider their goals, resources, and plans to use these assessments to identify and address student needs.
Read more in the full report
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