In 2013, the Math in Common (MiC) initiative, funded by the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, brought together administrators from 10 diverse California school districts to share strategies for implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M) in grades K–8. These teams collaborated to address both the successes and the challenges of CCSS-M implementation, with a focus on improving math instruction.
Beyond math, MiC aimed to understand and address districtwide system changes to improve classroom teaching. WestEd served as the project’s evaluator, producing 14 formative reports during the initiative and compiling the 6 summative evaluation reports featured here.

Educators Collaborating to Improve Mathematics: Three Structures That Mattered in Math in Common Districts
By Rebecca Perry, Stacy Marple, and Frances Reade
Explores how districts participating in the MiC initiative approached the implementation of the CCSS-M differently than other California districts.
Understanding Complex Instructional Change: Classroom Observations of Math in Common Districts
BY Haiwen Chu, Rebecca Perry, Frances Reade, and Stacy Marple
Examines how teachers participating in the MiC initiative made significant shifts in their instruction to help students master the CCSS-M.
Developing Principals’ Instructional Leadership in Math in Common Districts
By Frances Reade, Rebecca Perry, and Stacy Marple
Outlines the approaches that three MiC districts took toward helping principals take ownership of math instruction and standards implementation.
What Accelerates a Community of Practice? Inflection Points That Changed the Course of the Math in Common Initiative
By Rebecca Perry, Stacy Marple, and Frances Reade
Provides an overview of the MiC Community of Practice (CoP), highlighting its successes and missteps and offering insights to help other CoPs achieve faster progress.
Roadblocks and Routes: Professional Development in Math in Common Districts—An Overview of Commercially Available Principal Evaluation Resources
By Rebecca Perry, Stacy Marple, and Frances Reade
Highlights common roadblocks MiC districts faced and explores the routes they took to overcome them while developing support for teacher and student learning.
Spotlight on Student Achievement: Analyses of Statewide Assessment Data in Math in Common Districts
By Rebecca Perry and Kevin (Chun-Wei) Huang
Analyzes the uneven math gains made by MiC districts, as well as the patterns of those gains, which range from outperforming statewide trends to more moderate growth.
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For more information about WestEd’s Math in Common Evaluation, email us at [email protected].