Product Information
ISBN: 978-1-938287-80-0
Copyright: 2024
Format: Multimedia
Pages: 225
Publisher: WestEd
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This volume of Math Pathways & Pitfalls, Second Edition of the K–8 curriculum helps students tackle stubborn pitfalls head-on and transform them into pathways for learning key standards specifically for grades 6–8. The lessons in this book address percentages, ratios, and proportions interwoven with algebraic reasoning. In previous rigorous research studies, Math Pathways & Pitfalls significantly increased achievement for a variety of students, including English Learners, in all grades tested.
“Math Pathways & Pitfalls greatly benefits students’ understanding of mathematics at any grade level. It gives students a chance to build inquiry, to develop their critical thinking skills, to verbalize, and to develop their writing skills within the math curriculum.” – Norma Sakamoto, 37-year teaching veteran
Math Pathways & Pitfalls lessons and instructional strategies
- help students develop understanding related to key mathematical standards,
- provide students with guided and independent practice,
- support academic language development, and
- add value to any adopted curriculum.
This all-in-one curriculum contains everything a teacher needs to teach Math Pathways & Pitfalls with ease and success:
- 22 engaging and complete lessons
- Teaching manual
- Discussion Builders classroom poster
Additional downloadable resources enhance classroom instruction using Math Pathways & Pitfalls:
- Standards Alignment Guides to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, the California Common Core State Standards, and the Arizona Common Core State Standards
- Student and teacher videos that model classroom use according to the Math Pathways & Pitfalls Five Foundational Principles:
- Building Mathematical Discussions
- Making Sense
- Confronting Pitfalls
- Visualizing and Connecting
- Capturing Key Ideas
- Blackline Masters: Student lessons
- Assessment Item Bank
- Spanish Language Version of Discussion Builders poster
- Discussion Builders Teaching Guide