Observe, Document, and Reflect on the Essential Aspects of High-Quality Infant/Toddler Care

The PITC PARS is a tool used to observe essential components of infant/toddler group care—from caregiving interactions to the physical environment to program policies and administrative structures. The instrument enables observers to determine the extent to which family child care and center-based programs promote responsive, relationship-based care for infants and toddlers (ages 0–3).

The instrument is designed to recognize the multifaceted nature of quality for infant/toddler care programs. It includes five primary components of child care quality for infants and toddlers to provide a comprehensive look at program quality. These components, or subscales, each consist of various items and sub-items that allow for the assessment of key aspects of the program.

The PITC PARS Instrument is also available in Chinese and Spanish.

Looking for more PITC PARS? Check out the bundle, which includes the instrument and subscale guides, in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.