Product Information
Copyright: 2021
Format: PDF
Pages: 32
Publisher: WestEd
California’s 12-member Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF)2 Oversight Committee (“the Oversight Committee”) was established by state budget legislation in 2018 and charged with evaluating and reviewing the implementation of the SCFF and providing recommendations to the California State Legislature and the Department of Finance. Members of the committee bring diverse perspectives to its work based on their extensive expertise and experience in the California Community Colleges (CCC) system.
The Oversight Committee’s recommendations to the Legislature and the Department of Finance focus on two priority areas, each consisting of multiple components. After submission in December 2019 of its recommendations on Priority Area One, the Oversight Committee began at the start of 2020 to discuss the issues for Priority Area Two and issue recommendations in this report.
The components of Priority Area Two that the Oversight Committee was charged with considering are:
- Incorporating noncredit instruction and instructional service agreements as part of the Base and Supplemental Allocations of the SCFF
- Adjusting district allocations if a recession were to occur