Product Information
Copyright: 2019
Format: PDF
Pages: 69
Publisher: WestEd
Executive Order (EO) 1110, a major policy adopted by the California State University System (CSU) Chancellor’s Office in August 2017, requires CSU campuses to eliminate non-credit-bearing developmental courses in written communication and math/quantitative reasoning, and change how students are placed into entry-level courses in these areas.
The order also requires campuses to design supportive course models to help students succeed in entry-level courses. This report, the first in a series, examines how CSU campuses are implementing EO 1110.
Based on interviews with faculty, staff, and administrators at nine of the 23 CSU campuses, the report presents a snapshot of campus implementation from the perspective of those on the ground working to respond to the required changes.
The report highlights findings from campus visits regarding the progress related to course redesign, professional development and course placement, and concludes with a discussion of the implementation challenges and implications for the work moving forward.
The second report in the series, Student Progress Under California State University’s Executive Order 1110: A Systemwide Analysis of Outcomes in 2018/19, looks at how students are faring under the new policy, and includes an analysis of credit accumulation and of students’ progression toward General Education WC and QR requirements, both key metrics for the system in meeting the GI 2025 goals.