
Indicators of Distress

An evidence-based early warning system that identifies needed systemic improvements to help meet and surpass accountability standards and foster positive learning experiences.

Indicators of Distress is an early detection system that helps you identify school qualities, data trends, and patterns that inform plans to prevent school decline.  

We analyze data from your state or district to determine what is working and address what needs improvement. Our expertise in practice, research, and evaluation also increase your capacity for data-informed allocation of resources.

How We Help

Indicators of Distress helps you bridge the gap between accountability and school improvement with a research-based approach. We help you support students by identifying and understanding schools experiencing distress long before a state accountability grade designates a school as “failing.” 

Our team draws on WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement: A Systems Framework. This framework identifies four areas—turnaround leadership, talent development, instructional transformation, and culture shift—that research and experience demonstrate are central to a rapid and significant improvement to pull a school out of failure. We work to identify the contextual challenges to schools that may support or impede progress: governance, operations, and financial systems and processes.

Service Delivery

  • Online and onsite 

Who Will Benefit

  • District and/or local educational agency administrators 
  • School improvement specialists 
  • State educational agency administrators 

We needed a way to maximize our limited resources, both human and financial. We wanted to identify those schools where the engine light is on, and with some intervention and support, they could turn things around and catch them well before they identify for CSI or TSI and require more intensive support.

— John Carwell
Delaware Department of Education

Featured Experts

Aimee Evan

Aimee Evan

Aimee Evan is a senior research associate and school improvement specialist at WestEd, recognized for her impactful contributions to education. With a strong commitment…
Kelly Wynveen

Kelly Wynveen

Kelly Wynveen has more than 10 years of experience working in education leading projects, providing technical assistance, and developing resources to serve state, regional,…

William Berry

William Berry, Research Associate with WestEd, works with the Charters and School Choice team on a variety of projects that include both qualitative and…

Connecting Research With Practice

Our approach is grounded in research on early warning system methodology. This methodology identifies patterns and characteristics from previous events that led to failure or crisis, tests those patterns to identify specific risk indicators and thresholds, and then uses the characteristics systematically to predict risk and efficiently tailor interventions (Allensworth & Easton, 2005; Allensworth & Easton, 2007; Balfanz, Herzog, & Mac Iver, 2007; Neild & Balfanz, 2006; Silver, Saunders, & Zarate, 2008). 

Guided by evidence, our team provides rigorous data analysis, self-diagnostic tools, and coaching to help you sustain high-quality teaching and learning experiences for years to come. 

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