
Justice & Prevention Research Center

Leading the way in providing technical assistance, conducting research and evaluation, and developing solutions to prevent crime and violence, enhance public safety, and improve justice and public health systems.

Current Challenge

The U.S. is confronting challenges to well-being. Homicide, suicide, and opioid misuse claimed more than 130,000 lives in 2023. The aftermath of the pandemic fuels student misconduct, and rare shootings heighten concerns about school safety. At the same time, deep-rooted inequities and systemic inefficiencies plague the juvenile and adult justice systems. 


The Justice and Prevention Research Center (JPRC) helps implement and evaluate efforts to promote positive youth development, physical health, and well-being.  

JPRC promotes evidence-informed decision-making that centers equity, inclusivity, and cultural responsiveness. It works to develop solutions for the field in the areas of justice systems, violence prevention, school safety, and substance abuse prevention.  

Audience Served

JPRC works with a range of partners, including government agencies, foundations, academic faculty and researchers, practitioners, and community members.  

Key Activities

JPRC provides nonpartisan, rigorous, policy-relevant research, evaluation, and technical assistance related to school safety, violence prevention, justice systems, and public health for government leaders, policymakers, foundations, researchers, media, and community-based leaders. JPRC also develops solutions for the field to promote the safety and health of people and communities. 

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