
Next Generation Accountability Systems

WestEd works with state and local educational agencies to ensure standards, assessments, and accountability programs, policies, and systems are optimally aligned to support K–12 student learning.

We help our partners create and refine high-quality assessment and accountability systems. We bring trusted expertise to our partnerships to ensure that standards, assessments, and accountability programs, policies, and systems are in place to support K–12 student learning. We research new and innovative designs before implementing them. Focusing on college and career readiness goals, we help clients generate and act on data to drive improved student outcomes.  

How We Help

We partner with states to help them develop and refine high-quality, defensible assessment and accountability systems that provide valid, reliable data for LEAs, policymakers, and community members.  

We help states with the following:  

  1. Revise or transition school rating systems (i.e., going from a star rating system to an A–F rating system) 
  2. Understand the technical aspects of constructing and revising state and local accountability systems 
  3. Reduce testing time 
  4. Implement through course assessment practice 
  5. We offer three levels of service as outlined below


We identify goals and objectives, priorities, and potential challenges to meeting goals. This work takes place through in-person or virtual meetings, with research-based support provided to help guide decision-making. 

Development of Processes and Protocols 

We build on our strategic assistance to set a timeline for meeting goals and objectives and developing processes and protocols. This service includes the identification of staff and leaders, and the development of facilitation guides, agendas, and implementation frameworks. To inform decision-making, input may be collected through a survey or focus group. 

Partnered Implementation 

We support the implementation and refinement of processes through the entire timeframe of the project, providing formative evaluation and coaching to teams to build onsite capacity for scaling. 

Service Delivery

  • Online and onsite  

Who Will Benefit

  • State Educational Agency

Throughout our collaboration, WestEd has provided high-quality technical assistance and research during a dynamic period of ESSA planning and accountability system revision. WestEd’s experience and expertise in state accountability policy would be a strong asset to any state looking to evaluate or refine its accountability system.

— Cindy Kazanis
Director, Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division, California Department of Education

Featured Experts

Eric Crane

Eric W. Crane

Eric Crane directs WestEd assessment and accountability research as well as projects providing evaluation, data visualization and use, and consulting/technical assistance. Crane advises multiple…

Connecting Research With Practice

Our services are informed by policy guidelines and research on standards, assessment, and accountability services for states and districts, including the Peer Review of State Assessment Systems Non-Regulatory Guidance for States (U.S. Department of Education, 2015), the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014), and the National Research Council’s Knowing What Students Know (2002). 

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