Our team works directly with states and cross-state groups to realize the shared vision of science assessments informed by assessment design principles while being responsive to local needs. Our dedicated and versatile team of content, instruction, and assessment experts offers evidence-based approaches to developing your next-generation science assessments.
How We Help
WestEd facilitates an iterative, multiple-stage process with policymakers and education interest holders to inform the development of a tailored solution for a comprehensive science assessment system. We support collaboration throughout the process and help to engage education leaders in the design, development, and support of science assessments.
Our process includes development of key documents, such as assessment frameworks and item specifications, innovative item design and prototyping, and item development.
We understand the complexities of designing and implementing assessment systems and the nuanced structure of multi-dimensional science standards and assessments.
Custom Services
Our services are customized to each client’s context and needs. We collaborate with them in the design and development of science assessments, serving as a thought partner to realize the shared vision of a science assessment informed by the principles of assessment design and vision and the expectations of multi-dimensional science standards.
Through symposiums and focus groups, pilot and field tests, and summit meetings, our team helps clients engage interest holders and make informed decisions about the usefulness of particular decisions and assessments for measuring student progress in science content.
Service Delivery
- Online and onsite
Who Will Benefit
- National, state, and district leaders responsible for standards and/or assessment
- States, districts, and schools considering, or in the process of, designing and/or developing science assessments aligned to state-specific science standards and/or the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Nonprofit organizations in need of technical support for the design and/or development of science assessments

WestEd worked with Delaware to complete a cognitive lab project to determine what types of questions would best support students in sharing their three-dimensional knowledge in efficient, scalable ways. After completing this work, WestEd ramped up production and delivered a full state science assessment.
— April M. McCrae
Director, Office of Assessment and Accountability for Delaware Department of Education
Featured Experts
Matt Silberglitt
Kevin King
Connecting Research With Practice
WestEd takes an evidence-based approach to all stages of development to ensure that assessments are valid, fair, and reliable measures of students’ science knowledge and abilities.
Our work in science assessment design is informed by educational and industry research standards and best practices, as well as foundational resources related to Next-Generation Science Standards:
- National Research Council (NRC) A Framework for K–12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (NRC, 2012)
- Next Generation Science Standards: For States, by States (NGSS Lead States, 2013)
- NRC Board on Testing and Assessment (BOTA) Report: “Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards” (NRC, 2014)
WestEd also adheres to the research standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA).